As a result of the audit and subsequent solutions, the average turnover or work efficiency of our clients has increased by 15-40%!
We have recruited and trained over 100 sales specialists and dozens of sales talent and managers.
Has helped build a business software startup by increasing the company's sales from 50,000 to 1 million in two years.

Creating sales scripts that are specific to your product / service values


The age-old debate in sales: Does a pre-written and thought-out Sales Script work better than talking head-on or not? Even the world’s top coaches and sales trainers argue about this.

The biggest disadvantage of using a sales script is the following:

Sounds read

The real sense of dialogue disappears

When a customer says something unexpected, the sales consultant crashes and the game runs out


Why we believe in sales scripts


We have achieved excellent results with our clients.

We do not build a “classic” sales script. We are 100% in agreement: if you have built up the approach like the above cons then it will not work! Top reasons why scripts fail:

  • They are built on the ideal situation
  • They are not taught in the head
  • They don’t practice and then they read off.

The ideal client and situation as a script usually looks like this, with the salesman’s questions and speeches being answered with the following: “Hello!” “Yes, there is time” “Hmm, sounds interesting, talk more” “Yes, and it costs a lot” “Yes, I am interested in meeting “” Send offer and confirm “.

Real life is something else! Such calls are ideally made from 1 in 10, perhaps even 1 100. What are the other 9 calls out of 10 then? Mostly full of objections because the customer is not in the topic, is uninterested or does not qualify!

Why a sales script at all?

If you build the script the way it should, the way we have done it for ourselves and our clients, there is no better thing to sell! A thoughtful, well-practiced approach where all customer journeys, customer objections are resolved. Every top professional needs a good equipment, a good tool box for their work. Imagine a mechanic without a wrench, a basketball player without a ball, a musician without a microphone or a instrument! As Mr Grant Cardone has said, “Even Jesus needed a hammer!”

Plus, the big benefit of the script is that it helps you and your team on “bad” days. None of us is immune to those moments when life comes into play and fate makes its magic. When outside work things get messy and it’s hard to focus. It is at such moments that the script is especially valuable! Remember those moments in the school where you had to read a poem in front of a blackboard? He was perfectly clear before you, dozens of times fluent – when you were in front of you and in good spirits. But in front of the class he might not have come out so well because the nerve was inside, others were watching and the fear of failure was great. I believe most of us at such moments have thought, “You could just rely on a piece of paper written for a moment! He’s in the head, but that would add so much confidence. ”

The same is for sales. The fear of failure and the state of anxiety are extraordinary, especially when thoughts elsewhere and in life are many challenges.

Mattias Nõlvak
Mattias NõlvakInforegister, large client manager

Sales scripts are useful to me in my daily work even after years of use. While promoting products, services, and arguing for values ​​is all about, there is often a lot of content to rely on. The script always helps to keep both new and existing employees in focus.

We’ve analyzed when and why some sales people are dropping in conversions and productivity, and discovered the interesting fact that teams using the script are less likely to fail than teams that don’t.

For the same reason, some can read the poem at difficult times, while others cannot. What happens if the head collapses or something unexpected occurs? We remain silent and agree with the customer. The answer in the script gives you the opportunity to go ahead and say something when you have run out of ideas.

Our strategy

Dominate Sales builds sales scripts for companies based on the following strategy:

  • We interact with the team and map the product and customer profile.
  • Let’s go through the main pros and cons and the pros and cons of the product
  • Let’s put together the primary script and test it in practice.
  • We tune in and train the entire team once the desired results are achieved.
  • There is a 1-2 month period where we meet the team once a week and work our lives to give the final touch.

The result is a battle-hardened, thoughtful sales approach that works, is on the team’s head, and customers don’t realize the script is being used. Significantly improved results and new recruitment drastically reduced!


Karl Trepp
Karl TreppPrimend AS sales consultant

A sales script is good for beginners who are just starting from scratch. With the right openings, counter-arguments and so-called end-close, you feel invincible. What Dominate Sales and Silver personally teach well is tonality. Without proper toning training, sales scripts are simple sentences on white paper.

Contact Us

+372 505 5446